Monday, October 15, 2007

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

CPA workshop

Finally back to office. I was away for CPA workshop for few days...

I hate KL, I hate the horrible traffic jam. I booked a cap on Sunday night and they called me up Monday morning telling me there is no taxi go to shah alam area. I guess it was due to the heavy rain on Monday morning. So my hubby have to fetch me to KL... gosh... we caught in the terrible, heavy traffic all the way to KL.

The course was very good. I feel like going back to school, really enjoy the "class room" environment. How I wish I can go back to school again....

But my company send me to this course about "Consolidation Financial Statement". Tell you what.. this was my "weakest" subject during my Uni time. I never get it balance...hahaha !! And yet I have to do consol for my company this year. Wish me luck ya !! :P

The lectural is a very experiences lady... She gave us many many questions with tricky tricky "trap" in the questions. She said this is how they differentiate the "good " and "excellent" students. Wow.. I think I will failed my consol if my Uni lectural was her. Hahahaha !!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Joke ...













現任女友經常打麻將打天亮 ,我坐在旁邊看著,最後我坐在凳子上睡著了。

















Thursday, September 6, 2007

The Cross !!

Whatever your cross;
Whatever your pain;
There will always a sunshine,
after the rain...............

Sunday, September 2, 2007

My girl has grown up !!

Took this picture yesterday night. After taking it, I viewed it so many times, over and over again. Hmm.. my girl has grown up right ? Still remember when she was a small little baby lying in my arms. Feeding her milk every night, looking at her sleeping face in the middle of night makes me feel so contented.

And now she is a big girl, reading by herself every night... helping me to take care of Cayson (ie, take milk bottle, throw pampers etc)... sleeping by her own in her small mattress.......

I love you so much, Iris.. my dearest little daughter. You are always my little princess and my lovely, understanding, considerate daughter. Still remember mummy was having backache when conceived Cayson, can't even get up from bed. You were so considerate, holding my hand and called Daddy to "rescue" mummy by telling daddy "Di.. she needs you". :P

I do enjoy my every moment with Iris. I know one day she will grows up, have her own circle of friends, busy with her study... etc etc etc. Wonder how I would arrange my time, my life then without a clingy daughter beside me.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

How to properly place our new employees

1. Put 400 bricks in a closed room.
2. Put your new candidates in the room and close the door.
3. Leave them alone and come back after 6 hours.
4. Then analyse the situation:

• If they are counting the bricks, put them in the Accounting Department.

• If they are recounting them, put them in Auditing.

• If they have messed up the whole place with the bricks, put them in Engineering.

• If they are arranging the bricks in some strange order, put them in Planning.

• If they are throwing the bricks at each other, put them in Operations.

• If they are sleeping, put them in Security.

• If they have broken the bricks into pieces, put them in Information Technology.

• If they are sitting idle, put them in Human Resources.

• If they say they have tried different combinations, they are looking for more, yet not a brick has been moved, put them in Sales.

• If they have already left for the day, put them in Marketing.

• If they are staring out of the window, put them in Strategic Planning.

• If they are talking to each other, and not a single brick has been moved, congratulate them and put them in Senior Management.

• Finally, if they have surrounded themselves with bricks in such a way that they can neither be seen nor heard from, put them in Government.

Monday, August 13, 2007

深思我们的孩儿教育 - 书多书包重就是教育吗?

我儿子在美国小学是这样被人教育的 [转贴]

当我把九岁的儿子带到美国,送他进那所离公寓不远的美国小学的时候,我就象是把自己最心爱的东西交给了一个我并不信任的人去保管,终日忧心忡忡。这是一种 什么样的学校啊!学生可以在课堂上放声大笑,每天至少让学生玩二个小时,下午不到三点就放学回家,最让我大开眼界的是没有教科书。


日子一天一天过去,看着儿子每天背着空空的书包兴高采烈的去上学,我的心就止不住一片哀伤。在中国,他从小学一年级开始,书包就满满的、沉沉的,从一年级 到四年级换了三个书包,一个比一个大,让人感到“知识”的重量在增加。而在美国,他没了负担,这能叫上学吗?一个学期过去了,把儿子叫到面前,问他美国学 校给他最深的印象是什么,他笑着给我一句美国英语:“自由!” 这两个字像砖头一样拍在我的脑门上。




于是我严声厉色地问是谁的主意,儿子坦然相告:老师说美国是移民国家,让每个同学写一篇介绍自己祖先生活的国度 的文章。要求概括这个国家的历史、地理、文化,分析它与美国的不同,说明自己的看法。我听了,连叹息的力气也没有了,我真不知道让一个十岁的孩子去做这样 一个连成年人也未必能做的工程,会是一种什么结果?只觉得一个十岁的孩子如果被教育得不知天高地厚,以后恐怕是连吃饭的本事也没有了。

过了几天,儿子就完成了这篇作业。没想到,打印出来的是一本二十多页的小册子。从九曲黄河到象形文字,从丝路到五星红旗……热热闹闹。我没赞成,也没批 评,因为我自己有点发楞,一是因为我看见儿子把这篇文章分出了章与节,二是在文章最后列出了参考书目。我想,这是我读研究生之后才运用的写作方式,那时, 我三十岁。

不久,儿子的另一篇作文又出来了。这次是《我怎么看人类文化》。如果说上次的作业还有范围可循,这次真可谓不着边际了。儿子真诚地问我:“饺子是文化 吗?”为了不耽误后代,我只好和儿子一起查阅权威的工具书。费了一番气力,我们完成了从抽象到具体又从具体到抽象的反反覆覆的折腾,儿子又是几个晚上坐在 电脑前煞有介事地作文章。我看他那专心致志的样子,不禁心中苦笑,一个小学生,怎么去理解“文化”这个内涵无限丰富而外延又无法确定的概念呢?但愿对 “吃”兴趣无穷的儿子别在饺子、包子上大作文章。在美国教育中已经变得无拘无束的儿子无疑是把文章作出来了,这次打印出来的是十页,又是自己的封面,文章 后面又列着一本本的参考书。他洋洋得意地对我说:“你说什么是文化?其实超简单――就是人创造出来让人享受的一切。”那自信的样子,似乎发现了别人没能发 现的真理。后来,孩子把老师看过的作业带回来,上面有老师的批语:“我安排本次作业的初衷是让孩子们开阔眼界,活跃思维,而读他们作业的结果,往往是我进 入了我希望孩子们进入的境界。”问儿子这批语是什么意思。



儿子六年级快结束时,老师留给他们的作业是一串关于“二次世界大战”的问题。“你认为谁对这场战争负有责任?”“你认为纳粹德国失败的原因是什么?”“如 果你是杜鲁门总统的高级顾问,你将对美国投原子弹持什么态度?”“你是否认为当时只有投放原子弹一个办法去结束战争?”“你认为今天避免战争的最好办法是 什么?”――如果是两年前,见到这种问题,我肯定会抱怨:这哪里是作业,分明是竞选参议员的前期训练!而此时,我已经能平心静气地循思其中的道理了。

学校和老师正是在这一个个设问之中,向孩子们传输一种人道主义的价值观,引导孩子们去关注人类的命运,让孩子们学习思考重大问题的方法。这些问题在课堂上 都没有标准答案,它的答案,有些可能需要孩子们用一生去寻索。看着十二岁的儿子为完成这些作业兴致勃勃地看书查资料的样子,我不禁想起当年我学二战史的样 子,按照年代事件死记应背,书中的结论明知迂腐也当成《圣经》去记,不然,怎么通过考试去奔光明前程呢?此时我在想,我们在追求知识的过程中,重复前人的 结论往往大大多于自己的思考。而没有自己的思考,就难有新的创造。

儿子小学毕业的时候,已经能够熟练地在图书馆利用电脑和微缩胶片系统查找他所需要的各种文字和图象资料了。有一天,我们俩为狮子和豹的觅食习性争论起来。 第二天,他就从图书馆借来了美国国家地理学会拍摄的介绍这种动物的录像带,拉着我一边看,一边讨论。孩子面对他不懂的东西,已经知道到哪里里去寻找答案 了。

儿子的变化促使我重新去看美国的小学教育。我发现,美国的小学虽然没有在课堂上对孩子们进行大量的知识灌输,但是他们想方设法把孩子的目光引向校外那个无 边无际的知识海洋,他们要让孩子知道,生活的一切时间和空间都是他们学习的课堂;他们没有让孩子去死记硬背大量的公式和定理,但是,他们煞费苦心地告诉孩 子怎样去思考问题,教给孩子们面对陌生领域寻找答案的方法;他们从不用考试把学生分成三六九等,而是竭尽全力去肯定孩子们一切努力,去赞扬孩子们自己思考 的一切结论,去保护和激励孩子们所有的创作欲望和尝试。

有一次,我问儿子的老师:“你们怎么不让孩子背记一些重要的东西呢?”老师笑着说:“对人的创造能力中有两个东西比死记硬背更重要:一个是他要知道到哪里 里去寻找所需要的比它能够记忆的多得多的知识;再一个是他综合使用这些知识进行新的创造的能力。死记硬背,就不会让一个人知识丰富,也不会让一个人变得聪 明,这就是我的观点。”

我不禁记起我的一个好朋友和我的一次谈话。他学的是天文学,从走进美国大学研究所的第一天起,到拿下博士学位的整整五年,他一直以优异的成绩享受系里提供 的优厚奖学金。他曾对我说:“我觉得很奇怪,要是凭课堂上的学习成绩拿奖学金,美国人常常不是中国人的对手,可是一到实践领域,搞点研究性题目,中国学生 往往没有美国学生那么机灵,那么富有创造性。”我想,他的感受可能正是两种不同的基础教育体系所造成的人之间的差异。中国人太习惯于在一个划定的框子里去 旅展拳脚了,一旦失去了常规的参照,对不少中国人来说感到的可能往往并不是自由,而是慌恐和茫然。

我常常想到中国的小学教育,想到那些课堂上双手背后坐得笔直的孩子们,想到那些沉重的课程、繁多的作业、严格的考试……它让人感到一种神圣与威严的同时, 也让人感到巨大的压抑和束缚,但是多少代人都顺从着它的意志,把它视为一种改变命运的出路。这是一种文化的延续,它或许有着自身的辉煌,但是面对需要每个 人发挥创造力的信息社会,面对明天的世界,我们又该怎样审视这种孕育了我们自身的文明呢 。

Friday, August 10, 2007


I hate Allergy.. don't know what happened to me this few month. My skins become so sensitive, I can't touch on any seafood especially PRAWN... (My favorite seafood ler).

Went to see Dr a few times. he even gave me an injection of steroid. OMG .. what happened to me ? Some said due to stress and some said hormone changed. But according to Dr, it's non of them.. its just food allergy.

But the problem with me is . I have been avoiding seafood at all and yet the allergy still come. Not sure I allergy to other food as well. So so so sickening !! Or may be I should do a blood test to confirm my types of allergy. But I am so scared of blood test and the fees is expensive.. about RM500. Sign.....

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Cayson back to nanny house for a night

I have a Wedding Dinner invitation at night, so I send Cayson to nanny' house to stay overnight. Can't put a trust on hubby and maid to take care of him. ( No lah.. it's because Cayson still very choosy during night time. He wants mummy or nanny only)

Nanny missed him SOO much .. kissing him and hugging
him tight tight the moment see him. Hm.. another person that spoil him beside mummy. Hee hee !!

And my little boy so manja, starts complaining to nanny .. "yi yi ah ah ..oh ei yi ah" .. as if like mummy bully him very teruk !!

The night become so quiet without Cayson. Iris keeps asking me.. "where is my brother ?". Hmm.. i thought all this while they are like cat and dog. But surprisingly she miss him SOO much !!

And the first question in the morning from Iris is ..."Where is Cayson ?"

I am sure Iris can be a good sister one day and so as Cayson will be a good brother to Iris.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Cayson's bb cot

This is Cayson's baby cot.. have been sitting in the back room collecting dust since Iris's time.

Haha.. I will make sure this time i make full use of it. :P

Feeling Fresh !!

Yes.. Cayson sleep well last night. I feel much much better today, feeling fresh and not so tired compared to yesterday !!

Last night decided to let Cayson sleep in baby cot, he never sleep in the cot before. Me and chor ann agreed that we should insist and let him sleep in the cot. This way, it's better to all of us. Iris sleep on her single small bed, Cayson in the baby cot. So daddy and mummy can have some good sleeping time on our BIG bed !! :-)

Hope that tonight he will continue to sleep in his baby cot.

He woke up this morning fresh and stand up on his cot. Looking at us and start calling us. So cute :P

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

My Iris

This is Iris... she is having fun with mummy during my one hour lunch break !!
She is going to 3. Going to Vital Years everyday. She love her class and enjoy her day at VY.

Little Cayson

This is my little Cayson.. he is 4th month now. Love to put his fingers into his mouth.
Like to play so much !!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Iris and Cayson

I am mother of 2. Gave birth to my second baby last year November.

Since then, I realised that being a working mother is not easy. There are a lot of things for us to learn in life.. day in and out. I learn to be more patient each passing day.

But I am really glad to see my 2 children growing day by day. I am sure all the mother in this world feel the same too.

Iris is 2 years 7 months, while Cayson is 4 months plus now. I just wish that they are growing healthier and happier ....